Sign Up for an Unlimited Car Wash Plan

Simply fill out the form in four easy steps

  • 1. Unlimited Plan
  • 2. Customer Information
  • 3. Vehicle Information
  • 4. Checkout
Select Subscription *


By checking the box above you agree to the following terms and conditions: This month pass is only valid to the car it is issued to but it can be transferred twice per year free of charge. Hours of operation are Monday-Saturday 8am-6pm and Saturday 9am-5pm. Adverse weather and maintenance may alter operating hours. Your credit card will be charged each month on the enrollment date. You cannot cancel the membership within 15 days of enrollment. If you wish to cancel your service notify Sammys Car Wash in writing 5 days prior to the billing date or you will be charged for the upcoming month. Sammys Car Wash reserves the right to terminate the program at any time.

You must agree before going further.

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Order Details

  • Customer
  • Vehicle
  • Subscription
$ First Month Discount
$ Tax
$ Total