Sign Up for an Unlimited Car Wash Plan

Simply fill out the form in four easy steps

  • 1. Unlimited Plan
  • 2. Customer Information
  • 3. Vehicle Information
  • 4. Checkout
Select Subscription *


Terms and Conditions 1) Members are automatically billed monthly to the credit card provided. 2) Membership is only valid for the vehicle registered up to one wash per day and is only transferable upon purchase of a new vehicle upon providing notice to Junction Car Wash. 3) Membership is valid for personal use vehicles only and not for commercial vehicles. 4) The car wash may occasionally be unavailable due to maintenance/upgrade, weather related events or official holidays. Members are not entitled to any credits for car wash unavailability. 5) Annual Members: Your membership is valid for one year commencing on the sign-up date. You will be automatically renewed on the annual anniversary unless you notify us 30 days prior to expiry. 6) Monthly Members: Minimum monthly membership is for three months commencing on the sign-up date. You can cancel at anytime after three months by notifying us. 7) Terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. 8) Electronic Communications Consent Junction Carwash may need to provide you with certain communications, notices, agreements, billing statements or disclosures in writing (communications) regarding your Unlimited Car Wash Membership. Providing your email address and agreeing to these terms and conditions confirms your ability and consent to receive communications electronically.

You must agree before going further.

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Order Details

  • Customer
  • Vehicle
  • Subscription
$ First Month Discount
$ Tax
$ Total